Request information for 2D multi-axis system

Payload to be handled P (Kg)
Weight of the gripping system M1 (Kg)
Additional force to the load M2 (N)
Distance X1 of the load center of gravity (mm)
Distance Y1 of the load center of gravity (mm)
Distance Z1 of the load center of gravity (mm)
Effective stroke X unit (mm)
Actual travel stroke X unit (mm)
Effective stroke Z unit (mm)
Actual travel stroke Z unit (mm)
Drive X travel time (sec.)
Drive Z travel time (sec.)
Piece gripping time (sec.)
Cycle time (sec.)
Drive X motor position A B C D E F
Drive Z motor position G H L
X axis gearbox Yes No To be evaluated
Z axis gearbox Yes No To be evaluated
Cable holder chain and chain guide Yes No To be evaluated

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